Our Selected Publications
Galvan, T., & La Barrie, D.L. (2024) Trauma exposure and the mental health needs of Latinx youth: A systematic review of the literature. . Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-024-00635-4
Galvan, T., Venta, A., Moreno, O., Gudiño, O.G., & Mercado, A. (2024). Cultural stress is toxic stress: A modified cultural stress theory model for understanding mental health risk in Latinx immigrant youth. . Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/cdp0000680
Galvan, T., Venta, A., Silva, M.A., Moreno, O., Mercado, A., & Garcini, L.M. (2023). Applying an anti-racist framework to reduce disparities and promote psychological well-being in unaccompanied immigrant minors. (11)1179 – 1181
Galvan, T., Lomeli-Garcia, M., La Barrie, D.L., Rodriguez, V.J., & Moreno, O. (2022). Beyond demographics: Attitudinal barriers to the mental health service use of immigrants in the U.S. Current Opinions in Psychology, 47 (101437), 1 – 6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2022.101437
Galvan, T., Rusch, D., Domenech Rodriguez, M.M, & Garcini, L.M. (2022). Familias Divididas [Divided families]: The impacts of transnational family separation on the health of undocumented Latinx immigrants. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(4), 513 – 522. https://doi.org/10.1037/fam0000975
Galvan, T., Hurwich-Reiss, E., & Watamura, S.E. (2021). Latina mothers’ mental health: An examination of its relation to parenting and material resources. Family Process. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/0.1111/famp.12737
Galvan, T., Lill, S., & Garcini, L.M. (2021). Another brick in the wall: Healthcare access difficulties and their implications for undocumented Latino/a immigrants. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 23(5), 885 – 894. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10903-021-01187-7
Galvan, T., & Gudiño, O.G. (2021). Understanding Latinx youth mental health disparities by problem type: The role of caregiver culture. Psychological Services, 18(1), 116-123. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ser0000365
Galvan, T., & Gudiño, O.G. (2020). Impact of youth problem type on specific dimensions of caregiver strain among Latinx families. Child and Youth Care Forum, 49, 759-767. doi.org/10.1007/s10566-020-09554-5
Garcini, L.M., Galvan, T., Pena, J., Chen, N., & Klonoff, E.A. (2020). Effectiveness of Respondent Driven Sampling for Conducting Health Studies Among Undocumented Immigrants at a Time of Heightened Immigration Enforcement. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 24(1), 102-110. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10903-020-01112-4
Garcini, L.M., Galvan, T., Brown, R., Chen, M., Klonoff, E.A., Ziaddin, K., & Fagundes, C.P. (2020). Miles over mind: Transnational death and its association with psychological distress among undocumented mexican immigrants, Death Studies, 44(6), 357-365. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2019.1573862
Stiles, A.S., Galvan, T., Zundel, C., Flournoy, J., & Gudiño, O.G. (2019). Stakeholder perspectives on eliminating disparities in mental health service use for Latinx youth: A qualitative study. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 4 (4), 328 – 342. doi: doi.org/10.1080/23794925.2019.1674225
Garcini, L.M., Galvan, T., Peña J.M., Klonoff, E.A., Parra-Medina, D., Ziabuddin, K., & Fagundes, C.P. (2019). A high price paid: Migration-related loss and distress among undocumented Mexican immigrants. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 7(3), 245-255. doi: 10.1037/lat0000127
*A complete list of publications can be found at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thania-Galvan-2