Welcome to the FUERTE Lab!
We are a research team at the University of Georgia dedicated to promoting the mental health and well-being of Latinx youth and families. Guided by the knowledge that Latinx populations are disproportionally affected by mental health disparities, the FUERTE lab seeks to address these disparities by exploring the mechanisms that contribute to, maintain, or exacerbate mental health inequities in Latinx youth and families. In doing so, the FUERTE lab applies culturally-responsive models of ecological systems and developmental psychopathology theories to understand mental health risk and resilience in the context of Latinx youth and families' lived experiences.
Specific aims of the FUERTE lab include:
1. Identifying Latinx youth and families most at-risk for experiencing mental health disparities
2. Examining the factors that contribute to and promote resilience in Latinx youth and families facing adversity
3. Leveraging community-based partnerships to increase the use of evidence-based mental health practices for Latinx communities
4. Applying the latest scientific research to advance practice and policy efforts to eliminate mental health disparities among Latinx youth and families